Fibromyalgia Diaries and Support for Newbies

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Posts Tagged ‘chronic fatigue

Solution for Insomnia – Mineral Salt

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Sleeping pills are NOT the answer to insomnia because they upset the Serotonin and Melatonin levels in your brain which affect sleep and moods.

I’m posting this because I’ve did a study on the affects of Khali Pos…on myself. Since I’ve had Fibromyalgia, I have had many problems with sleeping which for the most part are being managed by a gluten-free and yeast-free diet. I still don’t reach restorative sleep. When I have a dream, I always journal it and see what the reasons behind it were. It looks like all of the arrows are pointing to Kali Phos. Someone recommended this to me and I purchased it from for $11 bucks! This stuff has some type of soothing affect, it relaxes your mind with no side effects and you will have, very deep, refreshing sleep. When I was taking it consistently, I had dreams every night and would wake up in a lot less pain and have more energy throughout the day.

Insomnia is a condition that is becoming more prevalent in modern society. Stress, lack of proper exercise(30 minute brisk walk 3 times per week) and our diets are very refined, loaded with saturated fats and filled with preservatives and lack fiber. There are numerous other causes of insomnia:

· Over active brain.

· Over exertion.

· Pain.

· Excessive amounts of tea, coffee, alcohol and narcotics.

· Depression

· Inability to switch off mentally.


A deficiency of a mineral salt is one of the main causes of insomnia. This can be replaced by a product called Khali phos which may be obtained at health stores. It is natural and non-addictive but Valerian Root is also an effective remedy.

· ½ teaspoon of cinnamon sprinkled on milk works well.

· Lavender oil rubbed under the feet is an effective therapy.

· Dried Lavender in your pillowcase also works.