Fibromyalgia Diaries and Support for Newbies

This blog is about my new journey with fibromyalgia…

Posts Tagged ‘results

New Fibromyalgia study with Stanford Medical University

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In my research, I stumbled across a study that was being done for fibromyalgia patients at Standford Medical University. I was so desperate, I signed up – but chickened out at the last-minute, since there were some risks involved.  This study in particular was to test for the T3 hormone (thyroid hormone) to see if therapeutic doses of this would alleviate some of the symptoms.  They were doing this since there is a significant overlap between the symptoms of hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone production) and fibromyalgia.
Stanford did call me again to see if I wanted to participate in an acupuncture study in which I agreed to do and will be starting in 1 month.  I will be going 2 times a week for about 6 weeks I believe.  I will update this post, with my results 🙂

Written by Mobile Speech Pathologists

June 11, 2010 at 7:50 am